Making Democracy Work

GET INVOLVED! Joinus and be directly involved in shaping the important issues to keep our community strong.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy through education and advocacy. Any person of voting age may become a League member.

Voters Edge California

Get the facts before you vote!! Visit Voter's Edge California and enter your address to get your entire ballot and polling place.
New Members

Please join us in welcoming Anna Poggi, Danny Howerton, Dr. Michelle Quiogue, and Margaret Siemens to our League!

Have your voice heard online on our Facebook FaceBookpage once you are a member.

Make sure you tell us your priorities using the Planning Meeting Survey

The LWVKC in both its values and practices affirms its belief in the commitment to diversity and pluralism. Voting membership is open to all citizens of voting age (18 years); associate membership is open to non-citizens and citizens under the age of 18.
Our activities in the community are open to everyone.