Making Democracy Work

Voter Information

What's on the ballot? How to register? ...and more

2018 Election

Vote with the League. For more information go to What's on the Ballot?

Voter Information

Smart Voter

Smart Voter: Enter your address and zip code to access your ballot.

Go to Smart Voter

Find nonpartisan information on...

  • Candidates
  • Ballot Measures
  • Past Election Archives & Results

For More, go to Elections in California:

  1. Preparing to Vote
  2. Voting (in person or by mail if you've moved)
  3. Voting Rights
  4. Take a Friend to Vote
  5. Results of Past Elections
  6. Etc...

Easy Voter Guide

The Easy Voter Guide helps new and busy voters learn about how to vote and what will be on the ballot.

It also helps people learn how to make change in their community. If you want to make a difference, Join Us

Kern County Elections

For city and county election information visit Kern County Elections homepage.

Citizen's Guide

The League of Women Voters seeks to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government, and acts on selected government issues.

The Citizen's Guide is produced to better inform Kern County's citizens as to who represents them on the national, state, county and local levels.